ATTN: Stressed Out Moms Who Are Tired Of Losing It On Their Kids

Motherhood doesn't have to suck.

Discover How Overwhelmed Moms Have Stopped Yelling And Ditched Mom Guilt For Good Using Practical Pause Parenting

Stop yelling, ditch the Mom guilt and

feel closer to your your kids in 7 minutes a day.

Receive Over 20+ Practical Parenting Trainings, Quick Calming Tools and Techniques, Weekly Personal Development Q&A, and finally be a part of a tribe of like-minded Moms for only $7/month

You are constantly wondering when Motherhood begins to feel easier and fun, comparing yourself to the women who are madly in love with being a Mom...but feel guilty because this isn't always you.

Of course, you love your kids.

But you lose your cool a lot, you miss the freedom you had before kids, and feel trapped by what Motherhood has done to your life.

Now you're looking to feel more consistent joy and become a better example for your kids so they remember you as a cool, calm, and confident Mom who wasn't losing her mind and yelling all the time.

You want to learn to be a more calm Mom so…

You thought that starting yoga and meditation might help

BUT, you never seem to have the time to practice and when you do, your kids either interrupt you or you can't shut your mind off enough and just get frustrated with the process

and think that meditation must not be for you.

You were hoping to get some tips and tricks about mindful parenting....

BUT, every Insta expert makes it seem like all you have to do is take a quick breathe and then you'll be a perfectly calm Mom and you know that isn't true. Plus: sometimes you say things to your kids without even realizing what's coming out of your mouth, then spend hours feeling guilty about it.

You even thought that maybe seeing a therapist could help

BUT, you really don't have an extra hour or two each week to sneak out of the house by yourself and being
able to trust a stranger enough to open up fully about your life feels scary and hard. You struggle to figure out how to help yourself feel better while becoming more connected to your kids.

Here’s a bold question for you:

What if you could stop losing it with your kids and instead, get more time back, eliminating Mom guilt and shame each and every day?

Sounds too good to be true?

Keep reading and I’ll show you exactly how!

Motherhood no longer feels like a struggle.

In fact, being a Mom finally feels fun, I stay calm way more than I lose my cool, and I go to bed each night knowing that I am giving my children a childhood that they don't have to recover from.

I feel calm and deeply connected to my children and my husband


I’ll be honest with you:

Getting to this point wasn’t easy

When I started out as a new Mom I absolutely adored being with my baby girl. She was my best friend and for the first time in my life, I felt like I knew true love.

But then...

my second child came into the world 18 months later and I felt like I lost myself completely in this transition. I had no skills to stay calm in the intense sacrifice and emotion that Motherhood pulled from me.

I yelled at my babies, I resented my husband, I felt guilty ALL THE TIME, and I even punched a few holes in the wall.

I told myself that I would be a cool, calm, and confident Mom and just as I was figuring out what worked for our family and leaning into the transition of going from 1 kid to 2...

😲 I got pregnant again. 😲

🤯 How was I going to manage my own self now with 3 tiny kids under the age of four?

🤯 I felt like I was ruining my kids' lives, my husband's life, and our happiness as a family.

🤯 Could I ever become the calm and grounded Mother that I knew my children deserved?

So I tried...

Practicing daily self care

(but that almost never worked out and made me feel like a failure when I couldn't get it in)

Meditating for 30 minutes a day

(but that was next to impossible with two toddlers jumping around me)

Seeking out therapy for my kids

(but that didn't leave any long lasting change because my kids were never really the problem to begin with)

I told myself:

If there are other women out there who seem to love Motherhood and ease into the many transitions it brings, surely I could find my joy, peace, and stop getting so overwhelmed, even with a new baby on the way!

After losing my cool time and time again with my kids, I finally realized 2 things:

Now I feel like myself again (even as a Mom), I know I am a success in my home AND my kids and I have a mutual respect for one another.

✅ The guilt of adding another baby to our family slipped away

✅ My husband and I became deliberate with our time, spending present and dedicated moments with our kids

✅ Our household was a place of love and joy with little to no yelling and melt downs (from me or the kids)

But the method doesn’t only work for me. It also works for my clients and members.

The best thing?

Managing and maintaining my calm as a Mom takes less than 5 minutes per day.

Can this really work? You bet!

In the 30 days after adopting this practice, our home life felt calm, stable, and in a fun and easy flow.

I stopped yelling, increased my personal joy and found gratitude, compassion, even in the toughest moments with my kids.

AND THAT IS HOW IT IS EVERY DAY through learning to manage the thoughts that ran my life as a Mom.

And it doesn't just work for me.

Take a look at what so many Moms have said:

Introducing the

Revolutionary Mom Club

The first community for REAL Mothers that will help you to ditch Mom guilt, stop yelling, and create an extra 5-10 hours a week free of stress in only 5 minutes a day, without having to find someone else to watch the kids or spend money and time away at a week long yoga retreat.

Phase 1

Commit to 5 minutes a day

(EVERYONE has 5 minutes a day)

What you'll learn:

Lesson 1: A MOM'S GUIDE TO MINDFULNESS that you feel like a success doing it, even if you've never practiced before or have tried and thought 'this isn't for me'

Lesson 2: how to keep yourself consistent in your commitment, NO MATTER WHAT

...without taking away time away from your duties as a Mom and caretaker. Learn exactly how to keep a promise to yourself so that you give yourself TIME FOR YOU, no matter how much chaos you've experienced with your kids.

Lesson 3: How to practice mindfulness with your kids around

...without feeling like you are wasting your time and that it's not working for you

What you'll get to get this done faster:

  • 3 Lessons, broken down into small knowledge bites and step-by-step tutorials

  • Roadmap to Success for Meditation as a Mom

  • Easy to follow workbook that will teach you how to commit to yourself for any goal

  • 30 day meditation challenge

Phase 2

Reprogram your parenting and stress response

What you'll learn:

Lesson 4: Learn how your thoughts create YOUR relationship with your kids that you can go to bed every night knowing that you did the very best that you could

Lesson 5: Reactive Parenting vs. Responsive Parenting

...using a step-by-step checklist to ensure that the way you develop your relationship with your children feels authentic, aligned, and from the heart

Lesson 6: Stop yelling and Eliminate guilt in your Motherhood

...using the Emotional Guidance Scale. Learn how to no feel guilty for not feeling guilty and stop yourself in the moment before you allow yourself to melt down because of your kid's melt downs.

What you'll get to get this done faster:

  • 3 Lessons, broken down into small knowledge bites and step-by-step tutorials

  • Forgiveness flowchart

  • Emotional Guidance Scale Printable

  • Guilt Free Parenting Workbook

Phase 3

Create everlasting change for you and your family

What you'll learn:


...using my proven 3 step formula that will instantly release the guilt AND HELP YOU TO CONNECT DEEPLY WITH YOUR KIDS

Lesson 8: Finding mindful moment with your kids that you can find gratitude, calm, and joy no matter what is happening in your home .

Lesson 9: Creating your personal joy

...without feeling like a failure or guilty for taking time away from the kids

What you'll get to get this done faster:

  • 3 Lessons, broken down into small knowledge bites and step-by-step tutorials

  • A proven and personalized fulfillment formula for busy Moms

  • 50 Ways to create Mindful Moments for Moms PDF

  • Knowing Myself Again Workbook

Get Instant Access to

All of These Resources

Mom Guilt Melter

Calm Down Mom Workshop + Workbook

Guilt Free Motherhood Workbook

9 Step Roadmap to Peaceful Parenting

Challenging Child Workshop + Workbook

25 Affirmations for Mindful Moms

Bonus #1

Monthly Expert Workshops

Every month you'll receive access to a live call with guidance from sought after personal development and parenting experts so you can feel fueled with information and processes to start feeling like a success at managing everything that comes with Motherhood.

Bonus #2

Weekly Q+A

  • Weekly Q+A - Motherhood, Mindfulness, and Melt Downs; get all of your questions answered live

  • On Demand Support - receive support and feedback in real time

  • Like Minded Tribe of Women - because we are in it TOGETHER

  • Accountability to stick with it, even on the toughest days with your kids

Bonus #3

Meditations for Moms

Access a vault of pre recorded meditation made just for Moms.

From finding calm in the moment, increasing your energy and navigating difficult moments with your kids there is an easy meditation to play so you can eliminate stress and create more joy in your home.

The Revolutionary Mom Membership is for two types of Mothers:


The overwhelmed Mom who is ready to take on the responsibility of brining more peace and calm into her home while eliminating shame and guilt in her Motherhood experience once and for all.


The Mom who is already on a personal development and mindfulness journey and can use more encouragement, access to experts, and a community of like minded women so she doesn't have to do it alone.

If you check any of these boxes than you are in the right place!

If you are asking yourself....

“I already tried so many things that didn’t help me so why do I need the Revolutionary Mom Club?”

Then let me tell you this:

  • This is nothing like the things you’ve tried before

  • ​This will help you to flip the switch from exhausted and overwhelmed Mom to present and fun Mom

  • ​This will allow you to get the accountability, practice, and support to become an even better Mom in the moment that creates a deep, meaningful relationship with her kids without screaming every day

  • ​This doesn’t only give you theory and knowledge it also gives you easy-to-access professional parenting guidance, meditations made just for Moms, and courses that you can use to stop melt downs for yourself and your kids, instantly

  • ​You aren’t in this alone anymore. Be part of a supportive community of amazing women that are on the same journey.

  • ​There is no risk (7-day money back guarantee and you can cancel at any time)

​This costs less than a couple cups of coffee at Starbucks but unlike the coffee, this has the potential to change your whole life by taking you from a yelling, out-of-control Mom and 'mean Mom' to connected, joy filled, calm, and present one.

I swear by everything I share with you in the Revolutionary Mom Club because it helped me to stop yelling, taught me to be in control of myself, and gifted me more precious moments with my children in less than 1 month

…and I want the same for you!

Go from being an on edge, exhausted Mom ➤➤➤to calm, peaceful and in control Mother who has a deep and meaningful connection with her kids.

Stop trying to trick yourself into thinking that 'just breathing' will make you yell less, enjoy Motherhood more, or create more fulfillment in your life and ➤➤➤ instead have a cooperative home, eliminate Mom guilt, and have more enjoyable moments with your kids.

Stop fighting alone ➤➤➤get support, training, feedback, and accountability in our amazing members-only community.

Frequently Asked Questions:

I am a new Mom and I'm just getting started. Will this still work for me?

Absolutely! In fact, the best time to get started learning to love Motherhood and feeling present with your kids is when you are beginning your transition in Motherhood

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I've been practicing meditation for a while. Will I still find value?

Meditation is an important aspect of The Mindful Mom Revolution but it's not the only thing! By joining our community, you will also unlock workshops, access parenting experts, and feel part of a movement that far extends well beyond what is happening in your home.

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Can I wait and join later?

How many more nights do you want to go to bed regretting yelling at your kids (again)? Instead imagine all the progress you can make, and how it will help your home to feel calm, peaceful and filled with joy in less than one months time!

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How much support is included?

On top of an open community where you can and get support 24/7, you will also receive a monthly call with a parenting expert PLUS the opportunity to get your most pressing questions answered live every single week.

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Does this only work for Moms with multiple kids?

Whether you have 1 kid or 20, the Revolutionary Mom Club is your place for the right support, connection, and coaching so you can feel cool, calm and confident in your home. It is not about the amount of children you have, but your ability to be present for them and create a connected relationship that lasts a lifetime.

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When will I get access?

The moment you join you will be granted access to all courses, workshops, meditations and our very special community. Please make sure to always check your spam and trash for your email access (just in case!)

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Is there a money-back guarantee?

We offer a 7 day no questions asked money back guarantee. Sign up and it's not for you? Send an email to and we'll refund your purchase right away. And if you ever find the membership no longer serves you, you can cancel at any time!

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© 2024 The Revolutionary Mom Club | Dena Farash